Last Tuesday 19 November in Snohomish, we lost a magnificent 75 foot long Port Orford Cedar and 2 of 50 feet. Mindful of their value, I had the tree feller cut them in usable lengths.
The main trunk is 17 ft long and 35 inches diameter.
Other sizes
22" x 12’
20" x 5.5 ’
17" x 11’
16" x 10.5’
16" x 11’
12" x 12’
12" x 6’
12" x 5.5’
There’s no rot and as these were on a city block, no chance of embedded metal in them. This species is preferred for boat making as it is resistant to rotting
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@DougZ to be clear are you selling these or simply trying to get them moved?
I would love to take a log or two off your hands. What are the asking prices?
They are for sale. I refuse to turn them into firewood as that would be a sacrilege.