Price for old lathe

I inherited a “Red Bird, Waterloo IA” wood lathe [at least that’s what’s on its accompanying detachable jig saw] from my father who, with one of his brothers, received it as a gift in the early 1900s in their hometown ~30 minutes north of Waterloo.

I’ve searched up & down in Google Images and on this FB site… but can NOT find any vintage lathe [with/without “Red Bird” in the title] that matches it anywhere. Zero. Zip.
I also looked for variations of Red Bird tools/manufacturing, etc. in Waterloo but, again, no results whatsoever. I thus presume the company is long gone or has a different name.

It hasn’t been used for approximately 30 years. Except for rewiring the awkwardly placed back switch, the motor’s likely intact. It’s been patiently sitting unused in my garage for ~25 years. I last used it in perhaps 1964 but my father, a hobby woodworker, likely used it off & on until he died.

Do you know of this lathe brand or manufacturer AND what it might be worth? I have no need for it and have one potential buyer [depending on price, of course].