WoodWorking Videos

WoodWorking Videos from Woodsmith…

Woodsmith Video Index.pdf (46.1 KB)

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That is the same program I use for videos. There are some good one out there, and there are some not so good ones. one of my favorite ones is by Mathias Wandel. How to make a router panto-graph. I have and it works great. I have used it to scroll patterns into the sides of boxes etc. and other flat work.

Another is one on making contoured chair seats on a table saw. By Mario Rodriguez.
I was amazed at how easy it was and how nice they turn out.


Here are some I have already shown .



As you can see I just freehand on a pattern. the pantograph is set up on 1/2 size and makes the cut 1/2 the size of the pattern. I set the stiles on the very Center of the printed pattern. Then set my stock so the center point of the cutter is centered on the stock. Then stick it down with DB tape the pattern has a plexiglass covering it so the stiles slides easily to follow the printed pattern below.

It is really easy to print patterns and change them for the next cut. It saves cutting templates to follow with the stiles. The key to the whole thing is DON"T STOP< KEEP GOING< DON"T BACK_UP!

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this one is a most excellent find Herb…

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