I’d like to build a crosscut sled for my Sawstop Pro. There are many plans/videos on YouTube. I think a big decision is whether to include a top track for a stop block. Anyone have plans/ideas they want to share? Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
Hello Larry…
I have a few…
Your top track thinking is the way to go… Add an a angle miter and you’ll be good to go…
Instructions_for_Making_a_Dado_Sled.pdf (201.2 KB)
Minimalist TS Sled for Angled.pdf (163.7 KB)
Basic Box-joint Jig.pdf (379.1 KB)
Foolproof Crosscut Sleds.pdf (1.2 MB)
How to Build a Simple Box-Joint Sled.pdf (1.0 MB)
Wow, thanks Stick for the suggestions. The Fine Woodworking one looks best yet I’d have to think about how to fit it with a stop block. Thanks so much and I’ll post the results!
Front mounted “C” channel…
Make the channel full length…
Thanks for the suggestions Stick! I’ve stop short of the stop blocks for now. Used the Fine Woodworking plans to make both a 13" and 24" one. Got extra MDF and fence material if anyone wants to come to the shop and make one!
You are welcome…
Glad I could help…
Now that you’ve gone and done all that…
The DEC/Jan issue of Wood Magazine has a very interesting sled featured…